
(A) battened down the hatches
(B) took up the cudgels
(C) pasted over the cracks
(D) tweaked their hamstrings






【評論內容】18. (A) battened down the hatches 準備面對困境;釘上扣板



【評論內容】B. took up the cudgels The phrase "take up the cudgels" means to fight or defend a cause or issue, usually in a determined and aggressive manner. In this context, the conservationists are fighting against the plan to mine in the seabed because they believe it would have negative consequences on the deep-sea ecosystems and biodiversity. This phrase accurately describes their opposition to the mining plan and their determination to defend their stance.Option A, "battened down the hatches," refers to preparing for a storm or difficult situation by securing loose objects and covering openings. This phrase does not accurately describe the conservationists' opposition to the mining plan.Option C, "pasted over the cracks," means to cover up or hide problems or flaws. This phrase does not accurately describe the conservationists' stance on the mining plan.Option D, "tweaked their hamstrings," refers to a minor injury or strain to the muscles in the back of the thigh. This phrase does not accurately describe the conservationists' opposition to the mining plan.



【評論內容】18. (A) battened down the hatches 準備面對困境;釘上扣板



【評論內容】B. took up the cudgels The phrase "take up the cudgels" means to fight or defend a cause or issue, usually in a determined and aggressive manner. In this context, the conservationists are fighting against the plan to mine in the seabed because they believe it would have negative consequences on the deep-sea ecosystems and biodiversity. This phrase accurately describes their opposition to the mining plan and their determination to defend their stance.Option A, "battened down the hatches," refers to preparing for a storm or difficult situation by securing loose objects and covering openings. This phrase does not accurately describe the conservationists' opposition to the mining plan.Option C, "pasted over the cracks," means to cover up or hide problems or flaws. This phrase does not accurately describe the conservationists' stance on the mining plan.Option D, "tweaked their hamstrings," refers to a minor injury or strain to the muscles in the back of the thigh. This phrase does not accurately describe the conservationists' opposition to the mining plan.