
Many consumers like the idea of buying earth-friendly or “green” products because they think such 41 help the environment. This type of buying choice also seems very fashionable to consumers 42 they see famous people supporting environmental protection in popular magazines or television programs. A variety of products 43 from bath and beauty products to cars claim that they are friendly to the environment. However, consumers must give some serious thoughts to 44 buying a product labeled as “green” in fact helps the environment. The harsh truth is that it is not possible to stop global warming simply by buying “green” things. It is not enough to own earth-friendly cars. The better way to slow down carbon dioxide emissions is to own only one earth-friendly car, use it to carpool with your co-workers or friends, ride your bicycle or walk over shorter distances and take public transportation 45 it is possible.
(A) although
(B) unless
(C) as
(D) before

