
        If you want to build the next great smartphone app, you need a plan. First, think about the kind of app that you want to build. Then make a schedule for building the app.
        Building an app is like a puzzle with many different parts. You can build it yourself or find a company to help you.
        After you build your app, you need to check it carefully. Look for bugs. Most apps have several problems to fix. Show your app to people. Ask their opinions. Make sure everything works before letting people download it . There are so many tools that can help you build apps . Now almost everyone can make a new app.
【題組】47.In the article, after building the app what should you do?
(A)Sell it to your friends.
(B) Put it online to download.
(C)Check it for problems.
(D) Start building a new one.






【評論內容】如果您想建立下一個出色的智慧型手機應用程式,您需要一個計劃。 首先,考慮您要建立的應用程式類型。 然後製定建立應用程序的時間表。         建立應用程式就像一個包含許多不同部分的拼圖。 您可以自己建立它或找一家公司來幫助您。         建立應用程式後,您需要仔細檢查它 ,尋找錯誤。 大多數應用程式有幾個問題需要解決。 向人們展示您的應用。 詢問他們的意見。 在讓人們下載之前確保一切正常。 有很多工具可以幫助您建立應用程式。 現在幾乎每個人都可以製作一個新的應用程式。In the article, after building the app what should you do?   在文章中,建立應用程序後您應該做什麼?(C)Check it for problems.  (C) 檢查是否有問題。