
You wake up feeling awful—pounding headache, runny nose, sore throat. You decide to go to thedoctor, 6 today, there’s no need for the old-fashioned ritual of physical exam, throat culture, andblood test. Today, all you have to do is simply spit twice in a plastic bag. A lab technician tests your saliva for the unique DNA markers of the 200 most common diseases. Anhour later the results are in: you have a serious bacterial infection. But there’s good news: the bacteria doesnot carry an antibiotic 7 gene, so that a single megadose of penicillin (given through the ear) will dothe trick. As you leave the lab, the doctor calls you into her office. Your saliva contained a few of your cheekcells, she explains, which were tested for a variety of genetic disorders. One came up 8 . You areseized with fear as the doctor says your risk of developing a tumor by age sixty is several hundred timesgreater than the average person’s. 9 , the doctor continues, the government is now distributing a new pill to reduce your cancer riskdramatically. What’s more, the pill will save society millions of dollars by preventing thousands of cases ofcolon cancer nationwide. You leave the doctor’s office feeling healthier for the moment and very relievedthat you just 10 a bullet in your future. Sound incredible? The revolution in molecular biology has made the technology described above notonly possible, but probable within the coming decades. In about ten years genetics has already conquereddiseases that took centuries even to name.
(A) but
(B) when
(C) suppose
(D) because

