
八、閱讀測驗(10%)(I)Joyce: Hey, Jay, what are you doing here?Jay: I’m looking for Jolin’s latest album. She’s very pretty, and she sings well.Joyce: Right. I like her,too. But are there any A-Mei’s albums here? She’s my brother’s favorite singer. My brother’s birthday is coming. I want to buy him a CD.Jay: Look! Over there. There are A-Mei’s albums there.Joyce: OK. Thanks a lot.Jay: By the way, Jolin is going to have a concert in my school this Saturday afternoon.Are you coming?Joyce: Sure. Let’s invite Jason to go together. He likes Jolin a lot.Jay: That’s greatlatest 最新的 π album 專輯 π concert 音樂會 π invite 邀請 π want 想要
【題組】1.Whose(誰的) birthday is coming?
(A) Joyce’s brother’s
(B) Joyce’s
(C) Jay’s
(D) Jolin’s

