
1、Every American knows that the Pilgrims and the Indians shared a turkey dinner nearly 400 years ago. That long-ago feast is the basis of today’s Thanksgiving holiday. But the Pilgrims and the Indians never ate some of the food that Americans think of as traditional for Thanksgiving dinner today.Turkey, the main dish of today’s feasts was served at the first Thanksgiving, but the people also feasted on other birds such as swan, goose, duck, crane, and even eagle, historians say. Most modern Americans would be horrified at the idea of eating eagle which is said to taste like mutton (羊肉). First-hand accounts of that first feast also say that the Indians provided deer meat; however, few Americans serve venison on Thanksgiving nowadays. Seafood is also rarely on today’s menu, but in 1621, it was probably quite common on the table.Mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes are popular side dishes for Thanksgiving nowadays, but these vegetables were then not introduced yet to the area that the Pilgrims settled. On the other hand, cranberry sauce is almost a requirement for the Thanksgiving table now, and the Pilgrims did have access to cranberries. But cranberries are terribly sour, and the colonists didn’t have sugar. More likely they ate dried strawberries, grapes, cherries and other fruits.So if a family were to serve eel (鰻魚) and eagle for Thanksgiving, it might be as genuine a choice as turkey. But it’s a sure bet that not many people who heard about the menu would be eager to accept that invitation to a Thanksgiving dinner.
【題組】46) ( ) Based on the article, which of the following was NOT served at the first Thanksgiving?
(A) Mutton.
(B) Turkey.
(C) Eagle.
(D) Swan.

