
請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題A stereotype is a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things,but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality. The term stereotype 46 the Greek word stereos, “firm,solid,” and typos, “impression,” hence “solid impression.”The term comes from the printing trade and was first 47 in 1798 by Firmin Didot to describe a printing platethat duplicated any typography. The duplicate printing plate, or the stereotype, is used for printing instead of the 48 .The first 49 to “stereotype” in its modern use in English, outside of printing, was found in 1850, meaning“image perpetuated without change.” But it was not until 1922 that “stereotype” was first used in the modernpsychological sense by American journalist Walter Lippmann in his work Public Opinion. Today, the word is widelyused within and 50 different psychology disciplines, and there are different concepts and theories of stereotypingthat provide their own expanded definition of the word.
(A)results in
(B)depends on
(C) breaks into
(D) derives from




【用戶】Nina Qiu


【評論內容】(A)results in 導致(B)depends on 信任(C) breaks into  突然開始做...(D) derives from 來自於;源自



【評論內容】A stereotype is a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality.The term stereotype derives from the Greek word stereos, “firm, solid,” and typos, “impression,” hence “solid impression.”刻板印象指的是對特定個體的行為持有一種既定的印象,但這種信念未必反映著真實狀況。刻板印象stereotype 一詞源自於希臘字彙"stereos"(意思是結實、堅定)以及"typos"(印象),也就是"固定的印象"。(A)results in 造成、導致(B)depends on 取決於、依賴(C) breaks into  強行進入、闖入(D) derives from 來自於;源自  ...

【用戶】Nina Qiu


【評論內容】(A)results in 導致(B)depends on 信任(C) breaks into  突然開始做...(D) derives from 來自於;源自



【評論內容】A stereotype is a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality.The term stereotype derives from the Greek word stereos, “firm, solid,” and typos, “impression,” hence “solid impression.”刻板印象指的是對特定個體的行為持有一種既定的印象,但這種信念未必反映著真實狀況。刻板印象stereotype 一詞源自於希臘字彙"stereos"(意思是結實、堅定)以及"typos"(印象),也就是"固定的印象"。(A)results in 造成、導致(B)depends on 取決於、依賴(C) breaks into  強行進入、闖入(D) derives from 來自於;源自  ...