
【題組】After 16 weeks of labor contract disputes, Wang Metals workers say they have had enough. At 10:30 this morning, hundreds of workers walked out of work and onto the picket line. Wang Metals has more than 800 workers, and the union says about 90 percent of them are participating in the strike. They plan to continue to picket factory office here in four-hour shifts. The union representative claims workers have taken these measures as a last resort. “ We had met and decided to wait for the company to put a decent offer on the table, and when it finally did last night, it turned out to be unacceptable. So, we voted to strike.”The representative said that union members will strike as long as necessary. Extra security has been ordered by the plant, and guards are blocking passage through the main entrance to the factory. Local business leaders are concerned because any kind of prolonged dispute could have a negative effect on other sectors of the community as well. “Wang Metals is the backbone of our local economy. Everything from food to entertainment, to houses…it all connects to the plant,” says one business owner.
【題組】71.Which of the following is the best headline for this news report?
(A) Wang Plant Orders Extra Security
(B) 800 Workers Stage Walkout at Wang
(C) Wang Metals Loses Money During Strike
(D) Wang Workers Start Strike Today




【用戶】Martin Wang


【評論內容】labor contract dispute 勞動合同爭執



【評論內容】* decent像樣的,相當不錯的;正派的;體面的,正經的* picket(罷工時阻止其他工人上班的)糾察員;糾察隊