
45. He insisted that the sky ______ clear up the following day.  
(A) would   
(B) should      
(C) X         
(D) be




【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】He insisted that the sky would clear up the following day. (relating to the first entry) 1. to say firmly and often that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true Mike insisted that he was right. His friends insisted he had no connection with drugs.2. to demand that something should happen Stay for supper – I insist!In formal English,They insisted (that) everyone (should) come to the party. In everyday English, people also say: They insisted (that) everyone came to the party. http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/insis...

【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】Related to usually describes a permanent relationship, whether between people or ideas. A few examples:nHe is my brother. I am related to him.nThe English word 'ship' is related to the Old Norse word 'skip'.nNationalism is related to ideas about identity.nIt can also be the past tense of 'relate to', meaning to identity or sympathize with:nI enjoyed the novel because I related to the main character.nRelating to is usually used to denote a reference to something else, e.g.:nThe email relates to what we discussed in the meeting.nThere were several themes in my essay relating to nationali...

【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】He insisted that the sky would clear up the following day. (relating to the first entry) 1. to say firmly and often that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true Mike insisted that he was right. His friends insisted he had no connection with drugs.2. to demand that something should happen Stay for supper – I insist!In formal English,They insisted (that) everyone (should) come to the party. In everyday English, people also say: They insisted (that) everyone came to the party. http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/insis...

【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】Related to usually describes a permanent relationship, whether between people or ideas. A few examples:nHe is my brother. I am related to him.nThe English word 'ship' is related to the Old Norse word 'skip'.nNationalism is related to ideas about identity.nIt can also be the past tense of 'relate to', meaning to identity or sympathize with:nI enjoyed the novel because I related to the main character.nRelating to is usually used to denote a reference to something else, e.g.:nThe email relates to what we discussed in the meeting.nThere were several themes in my essay relating to nationali...