
II. Cloze Test (42%)
You may be struggling with subjects such as chemistry, physics and biology. However, you should 11 feel discouraged 11 give up your passion for science. Scientific principles are found not just in the textbooks but also in your daily life. Observe your surroundings closely, and you will discover some examples. Warm water, for instance, can 12 magic if you know how to use it. Mixed with salt, it can help soothe your sore throat. In addition to this tip, warm water also has the magical power to decrease a tangerine's level of sourness. The secret 13 this trick is not that the water makes a tangerine sweeter 14 that it makes a tangerine less sour. 15 warm water, banana peels have also been reported to be useful in solving our problems. For example, after eating a banana, you can polish your leather shoes with its peel. The chemical, Tannin, 16 in the peel can make your shoes 17 than ever before. Magical 18 these tricks may seem, they are simply illustrations of how science is applied in our everyday life.

(A) both… and…
(B) either… or…
(C) not… but…
(D) neither… nor…
(D) She has more experience than others.

