
【題組】What advice will a chronobiologist give to doctors?
(A)Studying their patients’ body patterns before giving drug treatment.
(B)Sufficient sleep has a better healing effect than drugs.
(C)Taking a nap before prescribing drugs.
(D)Treatment carried out around daybreak is usually more effective.


統計:A(106),B(43),C(32),D(32),E(0) #
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【用戶】Vena Chen


【評論內容】Researchers in a new field of science called chronobiology are studying the body’s natural rhythms, or patterns, to find out ...

【用戶】Vena Chen


【評論內容】Researchers in a new field of science called chronobiology are studying the body’s natural rhythms, or patterns, to find out ...



【評論內容】Many chronobiologists now think that the time of day a person gets drug treatment for cancer affects the success of treatment.一個人吃藥治療的時間點(在一天當中的哪個時間)會影響癌症治療的成功與否