
三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】第一篇How will animals fare in prison? A parrot has spent five days 31 by the police in a prison in Argentina. A judge ordered the parrot, which is called Pepo, to be held 32until he told the police who his real owner was.Two neighbors, Machado and Ve ga, were disputing who the bird33 to. Judge Carlos decided the parrot shouldbe34to prison until he said the name of his owner. After five days, Pepo said Machado’s name and also sangthe35of his favorite soccer team, San Lorenzo. Mr. Machado said, “I knew he wasn’t going to let me down.He is a real friend, and we support the same soccer team. ”
(B) to be interrogated
(C)to interrogate
(D) being interrogated






【評論內容】interrogate 審問被審問:被動式 be interrogated