
Chris: Do you know it’s our 38th school birthday this week? There are many shows on that day.Samuel: I know, but I can’t see the shows. I need to be at our class stand to prepare for the school fair withScarlete and Antony. And you? Can you see the shows?Chris:Yes, I will tell you all about the shows. I know there are a wind band show, a chorus show and a dancing show. I can’t wait to see them.Samuel:You are so lucky.Chris:Don’t be so sad. There are still some shows you can see.Samuel:Really? What shows?Chris:There are a magic tricks show and a tap dance show in front of the office of student affairs. I want to see them. Do you want to go with me?Samuel:Sure. I love magic tricks show a lot. I will go with you. But before that, how about going to our class stand and buying a drink?prepare 準備 school fair 學校園遊會 will 將 wind band 管樂團chorus 合唱團 tap dance 踢踏舞 office of student affairs 學務處
【題組】1. Who can see the wind band show?
(A) Chris.
(B) Samuel.
(C) Chris and Samuel.
(D) Scarlete.

