
[45-46] When Jeremy Lin began to play basketball, no one believed that he would be successful. However, when he did a great job as the Knicks player, he has soon been known. After becoming the new star for the Knicks, Jeremy Lin has been called the most famous Asian American NBA player. Even the Knicks fans developed nicknames for him.

Among all, the most popular one was the word “Linsanity.” Linsanity was made of two words—Lin and insanity. Insanity means being crazy about something. So when we put Lin and insanity into Linsanity, it means not only the crazy for Jeremy Lin but the person who becomes famous suddenly just like him. 

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【題組】45. Which is NOT true about the word “Linsanity”?
(A)People hadn’t used Linsantiy until Jeremy Lin became famous.
(B)Linsanity means that people are crazy about Jeremy Lin.
(C)Linsanity was created by Jeremy’s fans.
(D)We can call a person who has become famous for a long time Linsanity.

