
三、閱讀測驗 6%

Alice could see the egg more clearly now. It was very large and it had eyes, a nose and a mouth. Alice knew at once that it was Humpty Dumpty. She had a picture of him in a book at home. He was sitting on top of a high wall. It was so narrow that Alice thought he might easily fall off. She held her arms out ready to catch him, before she spoke.“Why are you sitting here all alone?” she asked.“Because nobody’s with me,” replied Humpty Dumpty. Alice felt very silly.“Don’t you think it’s safer to sit on the ground?” asked Alice. “That wall is very narrow.”“What easy questions you ask!” said Humpty Dumpty. “Of course I don’t think so. I won’t fall off. Anyway, it won’t matter if I do. If I fall and break myself, the King has promised to send all his horses and all his men to put me together again. I’ll be all right.”“Look at me,” he went on, “I’ve spoken to a King! But I’m not proud. You may shake hands with me.” And he held out his hand to Alice. She shook hands with him very carefully. She didn’t want him to fall off the wall.Adapted from Through the Looking Glass
【題組】41. How did Alice know the big egg is Humpty Dumpty?
(A)She saw him from a movie.
(B)She had a book about Humpty Dumpty
(C)She guessed it.
(D)We don’t know.

