
(A) available
(B) average
(C) lower
(D) company
(E) while 

Withthe world economy uncertain, many people are looking to cut costs anyway they can. There’s less money 71. for luxuries, andfor some people, that includes pets. A survey in America has shownthat the number of dogs kept as pets in the U.S. has fallen by 2million since 2006, 72. the number of pet cats hasdropped by even more—7.6 million.

Infact, having a pet could save you not only money, but also your life.An animal society estimated the 73. cost of owning a cator a medium-sized dog at US$700 a year. Yet pet owners generally livelonger, happier, and healthier lives. By offering 74. ,reducing stress, and forcing you to be more active, pets help reduceblood pressure and 75. the risk of heart attacks andstrokes. Therefore, if you’re an animal lover, don’t be put offby the price of taking care of a pet. What else could save you moneyand improve your health at the same time?


