
【題組】According to the passage, which one of the following statements is NOT true?
(A)Grizzly bears are not rare in Alaska.
(B)There are more pandas in China than there are grizzly bears in the US.
(C)Grizzly bears are rare in Michigan.
(D)Compared with the grizzly bears in the United States, pandas are in worse situation.




【用戶】Jill Chen


【評論內容】They are spending more effort on pandas than the US is on grizzly bears, which are even rarer in the 48 US states other than Alaska上面這句表示灰棕熊的數量在其他48州加起來比阿拉斯加一個州有的數量還稀少所以在其他州都非常稀少



【評論內容】為何B對?文中沒有提到兩國灰熊跟熊貓的數量阿?又為何D錯?“worse situation”無法判定到底指的是「熊貓目前瀕臨絕種的處境」還是「熊貓在中國的保育現況」,而且灰熊瀕臨絕種還是「曾經」的事情,這樣理解熊貓瀕臨絕種的處境不是比灰熊糟嗎?






【評論內容】正常來說能當“They are an example to us.”應該就會比較好。所以D)Compared with the grizzly bears in the United States, pandas are in worse situation.是錯的。態貓的情況比灰態情況佳,所以才能當example。態貓:胸中有"心"形的貓熊。極少見。灰態:胸中有"心"形的灰熊。也極少見。

【用戶】Jill Chen


【評論內容】They are spending more effort on pandas than the US is on grizzly bears, which are even r.....看完整詳解



【評論內容】為何B對?文中沒有提到兩國灰熊跟熊貓的數量阿?又為何D錯?“worse situation”無法判定到底指的是「熊貓目前瀕臨絕種的處境」還是「熊貓在中國的保育現況」,而且灰熊瀕臨絕種還是「曾經」的事情,這樣理解熊貓瀕臨絕種的處境不是比灰熊糟嗎?






【評論內容】正常來說能當“They are an example to us.”應該就會比較好。所以D)Compared with the grizzly bears in the United States, pandas are in worse situation.是錯的。態貓的情況比灰態情況佳,所以才能當example。態貓:胸中有"心"形的貓熊。極少見。灰態:胸中有"心"形的灰熊。也極少見。



【評論內容】為何B對?文中沒有提到兩國灰熊跟熊貓的數量阿?又為何D錯?“worse situation”無法判定到底指的是「熊貓目前瀕臨絕種的處境」還是「熊貓在中國的保育現況」,而且灰熊瀕臨絕種還是「曾經」的事情,這樣理解熊貓瀕臨絕種的處境不是比灰熊糟嗎?






【評論內容】正常來說能當“They are an example to us.”應該就會比較好。所以D)Compared with the grizzly bears in the United States, pandas are in worse situation.是錯的。態貓的情況比灰態情況佳,所以才能當example。態貓:胸中有"心"形的貓熊。極少見。灰態:胸中有"心"形的灰熊。也極少見。