
V. Sentence Patterns Cloze 15%   Alex is my classmate. He is __36__ I’ve ever met. Though he is very smart, he works __37__ anyone else. That’s why he always scores higher than __38__ in our class. __39__, he has a great talent for writing and has published some stories and poems. But since poetry is his passion, I think he is __40__.    Besides, he has another quality I don’t have. He is __41__. He not only shares his things with me but is also willing to spend time helping me. That’s why­­ he prefers __42__ me math after school to __42__ with others. Thanks to his help, my math is getting __43__, which helps build my confidence a lot. I’m now __44__ . Therefore, he is __45__ a classmate to me. He is a friend and teacher.He has one weakness, though, that is, too thin.     He doesn’t enjoy eating. In fact, he eats __46__ two, instead of three, meals a day. I hope he will eat more so that he will become __47__ to be able to protect me from the bullies.     The more I know him, __48__. There is nothing luckier than __49__ such a friend. I hope one day when he is in need of help, I will be able to say to him, “Just as you help me, __50__ .”
(A) a greater guy
(B) the greater guy
(C) the greatest guy
(D) a greatest guy

