
(二)  Everything has two sides.  During the past years, people had many inventions, such as computers, cellphones, and televisions.  

It is much more convenient for people   36.   with them in their lives.  However, they are also harmful.  For example,    37 .  TV lets us know what’s happening in the world every day, but it makes us seldom   38.   to our family.  Besides, we won’t miss any calls after we have cellphones, but the electromagnetic waves also do a lot of harm to our health.  As for computers, they make the world a small village.  No matter   39.   , you can make friends all over the world.  But don’t forget that the Internet is filled with lies.    40.   difficult for people to believe others.  So sad, isn’t it?

(A) live 
(B) to live 
(C) living 
(D) lived

