
  The clothes we wear may influence how we feel about ourselves and how we behave. One example can be found in a school in the US. On Mondays, when students are asked to wear blouses and suits .79 jeans and T-shirts, they tend to behave better. The teachers believe that it is 80. that makes students behave more responsibly. In addition, in one study, participants wearing white lab coats were found to perform better at tasks 81. close attention. In fact, they made only half 82. mistakes as the participants wearing regular clothes. The researchers concluded that when participants were in white lab coats, they saw themselves83. professionals, who are usually good at performing tasks that demand attention. So, if we want to perform better at certain tasks, perhaps all we have to do is select the right outfit!
(A) apart from
(B) along with
(C) in spite of
(D) instead of

