
(B)During the approximately thirty years between the Peace of Paris and the end of the War of 1812 the older America was dying. The America that followed was a shifting, restless world, youthfully optimistic, and changed itself fervently, —16— on finding easier roads to wealth than the plodding path of natural increase. The ideal of a static society having been put away, progress was assumed to be the first law of nature, and innovation was accepted as the sign and seal of progress. This 1812 war between the U.S. and the U.K., known as the second Independent War, facilitated the prosperity of the U.S. local manufacturing because the U.K. navy —17— the U.S. navy in all U.S. ports. This military operation hastened the rapid development of the U.S. local manufacturing and furthermore brought about the automatization of the U.S. economy. At this time, the flourishing economy in the U.S. led a number of farmers and immigrants to the urban areas. The extraordinary expansion of cities transformed the U.S. from a rural society to an urban society. Even in the rural villages, supplanted by businessmen, farmers could not help but adjust to new economic situations due to the introduction of new manufacturing. Sad to say, this change disintegrated traditional psychology just as some farmers suffered from the —18— of their lives during the Industrial Revolution. The desires of different economic groups triggered each other’s —19— attitude inevitably. Under the circumstance, the major interests among different economic groups differentiated more and more sharply. The improvements of textile manufacturing met great demands on the new Southern staple. Accordingly, many people in a static agrarian society full of indigo, rice, and tobacco —20_ an imperialistic dream of expanding cotton fields into Mexico. But at the same time, another group voiced their discontent over the aftermath of the “economic revolution.” They proposed that they place a high premium on “economic equality,” rooted in the idealism of the Declaration of Independence.
(A) bent
(B) disposed
(C) inclined
(D) predisposed

