
42 一位 23 歲年輕女性,因為青春痘及手腳多毛來求診,發現她的月經也很不規則,每年只有 2~3 次。抽血檢查發現她的 FSH 於正常值邊緣,但 LH 值卻很高,最可能的診斷為何?
(A)testicular feminization syndrome
(B)polycystic ovarian syndrome
(C)Sheehan syndrome
(D)ovarian theca cell tumor






【評論內容】Rotterdam criteria (preferred) — We use the 2003 Rotterdam criteria to make the diagnosis of PCOS. Two out of three of the following criteria are required to make the diagnosis [19]:●Oligo- and/or anovulation●Clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism●Polycystic ovaries (by ultrasound)Many women with irregular menses and hyperandrogenic symptoms can be diagnosed based upon on the history and physical exam alone. However, the diagnosis of PCOS is only confirmedwhen other conditions that mimic PCOS are excluded (eg, disorders that cause oligo/anovulationand/or hyperandrog...



【評論內容】Rotterdam criteria (preferred) — We use the 2003 Rotterdam criteria to make the diagnosis of PCOS. Two out of three of the following criteria are required to make the diagnosis [19]:●Oligo- and/or anovulation●Clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism●Polycystic ovaries (by ultrasound)Many women with irregular menses and hyperandrogenic symptoms can be diagnosed based upon on the history and physical exam alone. However, the diagnosis of PCOS is only confirmedwhen other conditions that mimic PCOS are excluded (eg, disorders that cause oligo/anovulationand/or hyperandrog...