
39.The specter of politicians and judges meddling in the most private andintimate spheres of our lives is deeply unappealing.
(A)No one would welcome the prospect that our private and intimate affairsare interfered by politicians and judges.
(B)Politicians and judges are not supposed to interfere with the privateaffairs of our lives except in the court of appeal.
(C)It is very unpleasant to know that politicians and judges are grantedunquestionable authority over our private lives.
(D)The job of supervising the private and intimate lives of politicians andjudges is very unattractive.






【評論內容】specter:幽靈, 妖怪, 繚繞心頭的恐懼(或憂慮等)meddling in:干涉are granted :被授予unquestionable:無庸置疑的The specter of politicians and judges meddling in the most private and intimate spheres of our lives is deeply unappealing. 被搞政治的和法官干涉我們生活最隱私和私密的領域的恐懼是非常地不吸引人的。(A)No one would welcome the prospect that our private and intimate affairs are interfered by politicians and judges. 沒人會歡迎我們的隱私和個人的私事被搞政治的和法官所干涉。(B)Politicians and judges are not supposed to interfere with the private affairs of our lives except in the court of a...