
四、閱讀測驗 (共出5 小題,每題 2 分,共 10 分)
         Among one of the most popular social networking sites in the world, Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, a college student at that time, as well as some of his friends. In this website, users are allowed to post 140-character(140個字) messages known as "tweets(推文)." Gaining in popularity so rapidly, Twitter is reported to have more than 310 million monthly active users in 2016.
         Many people are familiar with Twitter’s logo, "Twitter Bird," whether they twitter or not. Unlike the company’s earlier logo designs, the bird is the sole(獨一的) symbol for the company.The blue bird design of the updated version(版本) is meant to imitate(模仿) a mountain bluebird(山藍鵲). If you had twittered before 2012, you must still remember the earlier used logo "Larry the Bird(賴瑞鳥)." It was named after the former NBA player Larry Bird.
         People use Twitter for a wide variety of purposes, including organizing a protest(抗議). The 2011 Egyptian revolution(埃及革命) and the 2010-2011 Tunisian(突尼西亞) protests, also known as the Jasmine Revolution(茉莉花革命), were all initiated(發起) by using Twitter. No wonder some people jokingly call them "Twitter Revolutions." This social networking site is powerful enough to help start a social movement, or even to overthrow(推翻) a government. Maybe that is the reason this service is blocked(封鎖) in such conservative(保守的) countries as Iran(伊朗).
【題組】41. A message posted on Twitter is called _______.
(A) an emoji
(B) an smiley
(C) a tweet
(D) a bird






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