
四、 閱讀測驗
 1.When Is the Deadline?
Cole: It’s a great dinner, Kelly! By the way, our ten-day trip to Japan is next week. I can’t wait!
Kelly: Me too! But hand in your English report first, Cole.
Cole: Isn’t the deadline on July 31?
Kelly: No, it’s on July 22, the day we’re back to Taiwan.
Cole: Really? I have only five days to do my report from tomorrow.
Kelly: No, you can’t hand in your report on the day to Japan. Our flight is at 6 a.m. Hand it in the day before that.Oh, no. Wait! July 12 is Sunday, so your real deadline is on the Friday before.
Cole: My goodness! I can’t do it in two days!
 deadline 期限 by the way 順帶一提 trip 旅行
hand in 繳交 back 回去 tomorrow 明天
flight (飛機)班次 real 真正的

51. What is Cole’s schedule(時間表)like(像)after talking to Kelly?







【用戶】Alice Chen

