
Questions 36-40
 Air Pollution in South Asia         According to a recent report from UNICEF, over 17 million babies around the world are affected by air pollution, which is linked to brain damage in young children. South Asia is the worst affected area and has over 12 million babies breathing polluted air every day. These young children are exposed to pollution six times higher than the recommended limits.
        Air pollution is the greatest environmental health risk and is heavily affecting China and India, where the cities are blanketed by smog. Air pollution increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and lung cancer in adults, as well as in children, who are more vulnerable to air pollution as their brain and immune system are not fully developed. Many studies have shown that air pollution could stop children’s growth and damage their cognitive development. In addition to South Asia, satellite photos exposed that the affected area is growing in African cities.
        Air pollution is causing a health crisis and needs great attention from society. The government advised the public to use face masks and air filtering systems. Parents should avoid taking their children outdoors when there are high levels of pollutants.
*damage損害;breathe呼吸;expose暴露;recommend建議;environmental環境的;smog煙霧stroke中風;heart attack心臟病;vulnerable易受傷害的;immune免疫的;increase增加;cognitive認知的;satellite衛星;society社會;pollutant汙染物;improve改善add增加;bone骨骼;spread擴散;continent大陸
【題組】36.Which of the environmental health risks is linked to brain damage in children and requires immediate attention from society?
(A) Unsafe water.
(B) Air pollution.
(C) Indoor smoking.
(D) Global climate change.






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