
(A) This consistency serves as a proof that synesthesia is real.
(B) Meanwhile, environmental influences seem to shape a person’s synesthesia.
(C) People with synesthesia used to be accused of making their experiences up.
(D) Some studies even show that people may all be synesthetic to some degree.






【評論內容】 33  For example, the flavors people with taste-word synesthesia experience are usually childhood flavors, such as chocolate or strawberries. Also, people with color-music synesthesia more often than not have had early musical training.例如,有味道詞聯覺的人體驗到的味道通常是童年時的味道,比如巧克力或草莓。此外,具有彩色音樂聯覺的人往往早期接受過音樂訓練。解答:Meanwhile, environmental influences seem to shape a person’s synesthesia.同時,環境影響似乎塑造一個人的聯覺。選B答案。



【評論內容】 33  For example, the flavors people with taste-word synesthesia experience are usually childhood flavors, such as chocolate or strawberries. Also, people with color-music synesthesia more often than not have had early musical training.例如,有味道詞聯覺的人體驗到的味道通常是童年時的味道,比如巧克力或草莓。此外,具有彩色音樂聯覺的人往往早期接受過音樂訓練。解答:Meanwhile, environmental influences seem to shape a person’s synesthesia.同時,環境影響似乎塑造一個人的聯覺。選B答案。