
61、62題請填在答案卷 ①At a young age, I began to explore the sea. My mum, who used to surf then, would sit me on one of her old boards and push me into the little waves in a few centimeters of water. We both soon realized I had an unstoppable appetite for the waves, something which has never faded. Soon after that we moved to a house which was almost on the beach. I could literally walk out of the garden into the sea. I usually spent hours gazing at the waves sweeping into the bay.
②The passion drove me to better my surfing by checking out other surfers. Things started to get
competitive as I got older and stronger. I was tackling more challenging waves: faster, more powerful and more dangerous, and then I was gaining confidence and building up my experience. It was then that the boys noticed me, and they weren’t sure how to cope with it. They seemed to think along the lines of “She’s only a girl—she won’t manage that wave, so I’ll get in there and show her how to do it.” Convincing them that I could hold my own in the waves wasn’t going to happen overnight.
③I made some friends and mutual respect blossomed between me and the surf buddies who spent all their time in the waves with me. When I started pulling off some good moves on my surfboard and throwing a bit of spray on the waves, they began giving me a bit of credit. Things got really interesting when I participated in competitions. In fact, I entered every international surfing competition over ten years. Competition surfing can be extremely frustrating, since you can never guarantee waves at a certain time on a certain day, and there are vast amounts of hanging around.
④Now I’ve set up a surf school and I’ve got a whole new perspective. When you start teaching something, you have to learn for yourself again. Everything you’ve been doing instinctively without really noticing for the last fifteen years has now got to be passed on, and it gets surprisingly detailed and tricky in parts. But it’s been fantastic introducing so many people to the sport, and it’s even better when you get to see their big grins when they stand up for the first time and ride a wave into the shore. My fondness for the sport has taken me all over the world and now it feels like it’s brought me home again.
【題組】60. What does Paragraph 2 deal with?
(A) sport phobia
(B) marine conservation
(C) gender stereotype
(D) wave generation






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