
Diana: Winnie, are you crying? What's wrong ?
 Winnie: I only got 8 in this simulated exam. I am afraid that I won't be able to get into the high school ___(31)___I like.
 Diana: Don't worry. The CAP is five months away, and you still have much time to catch up.
 Winnie: You don't understand. ___(32)___ I spent all my free time studying, I still did badly on the exam. I must let my parents___(33)___.
 Diana: Your parents won't blame you if you do your best. Maybe you can change your study plan to get better grades.
 Winnie: I don't know where ___(34)___ begin.
 Diana: What's your worst subject?Winnie: English. I can't remember those English patterns.
 Diana: Oops! My English is terrible, too. I can't help you. But I know someone ___(35)___ you can ask for help, Teacher Nina.She's the best English Teacher in our school.Winnie: That's good. Can you go find her with me?Diana: Of course.
 * simulated exam 模擬考 CAP 國中教育會考 blame 責怪 pattern 句型
(A) X
(B) what
(C) who
(D) where






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...