
20. The books in this section were on a high shelf out of his reach, but he located a small stepladderover by the encyclopedias and quietly moved it into position. Unfortunately, as he was comingback down the ladder, the book he had taken off the shelf slipped out of his hand_______________. Everybody in the library looked up at him at the same time, obviouslyannoyed by the disturbance. Phil felt his face turn red as he picked up his book, which luckilydid not seem to have been damaged by the fall.
(A) dropped to the floor in a loud noise
(B) and fell to the floor with a loud crash
(C) falling down on the floor with a big bang
(D) to drop to the floor in a noisy fashion ¯第三大題:段落語意不連貫句子挑選(第 21−30 題)說明:以下十篇段落,各有四個句子依序出現在答案選項,每個句子前有選項代碼,分別為( A )、( B )、( C )、( D )。請依各段落整體內容,選出一個造成段落文意最不連貫的句子,並將該句子的選項代碼標記在答案卡上。¯

