
As social media websites grow, concepts of privacy seem to be changing. Images and information that would never before have been public are now available at a keystroke. For some people, the free-floating information is harmless.    (16)    Recruiters now regularly perform Internet searches on job candidates. Cyber stalking has become a real and dangerous problem. While it used to be relatively easy to turn over a new leaf by moving, now the Internet can prevent anyone from really starting over.     In these cases, there is the opinion of erasing one’s web presence.    (17)    The website www.suicidemachine.org offers a simple process that will eliminate your accounts from four social media sites.     Those sites are just the beginning. If you’ve ever written a blog, created a photo account, signed onto a mailing list, gotten a cell phone, or done another thousand things that end up on the web, you’ll still be searchable.    (18)    Social aggregator sites like pipl.com and spoken.com list addresses and phone number, as well as other information. This information can be deleted by specific request. Search engine will often remove you from the results if asked.     However, information can linger in hidden places only to emerge late.    (19)    Reputation.com and removeyourname.com are two companies that specialize in improving online reputations. Often, this means removing as much information as possible and then burying bad information that can’t be removed with new, or good information.     (20)    Perhaps the hardest part about cleaning yourself off the web, however, is staying off it. So much of life is conducted online now; we may never be able to be completely private again.
(A) Social media sites are often the first step.
(B) Removing your web presence can be painstaking and expensive.
(C) To be thorough, some people employ professionals to do a web deep clean.
(D) For others, though, it can be embarrassing, annoying, or even a matter of life and death.
(E) To delete the information that the Internet holds, first you’ll have to find it.

