
(4) Phubbing. People do that all the time. So much so that a new word was invented to describe this new behavior. The term “phubbing” means “ignoring others in social situations by looking at one’s mobile phone.” The word is a combination of phone and snubbing, which refers to ignoring someone in a rude way. Phubbing can be seen everywhere, but is most evident in restaurants and coffee shops where friends and family members sit at tables together but spurn conversation and ignore one another completely in favor of staring mindlessly at small screens. Some observers warn that this common anti-social behavior makes the end of politeness and civility.     University professors worldwide are also noticing a change in students’ behavior as a result of mobile phone technology. Whereas in the past most students could be counted on to pay attention during classes and lectures, even the most diligent are now tempted to sneak glances at smartphones hidden in their laps from time to time. Trying to educate the less focused ones who are hopelessly addicted to their smartphones can almost seem like a lost cause.     Ironically, it may be the so-called smartphones are giving rise to a generation of people less intelligent than their parents and grandparents, if intelligence is something to be measured by how much one actually learns at school. There is a real danger that students who allow themselves to be distracted too much could graduate from university with degrees in hand, but possessing very little knowledge. While it is possible to learn things online using mobile devices to access the vast amount of information, it seems a terrible pity to waste so much time and money attending university if all one is going to do is surf the Net in class. After all, one could do so from the comfort of home without paying tuition. Students who are serious about their studies should keep their smartphones tucked away in class.
【題組】58. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Smartphones make people’s lives more destructive than ever.
(B) Phubbing is a new term used to describe people addicted to smartphones.
(C) Phubbers are at the risk of hindering studies and their relationships with others.
(D) It appears to be a natural and unavoidable trend to phub wherever one is at any time.

