


統計:A(33),B(19),C(1025),D(13),E(0) #


【用戶】Moya Moya


【評論內容】not only ....., but..不只....而且...facial expression 臉部表情gesture 姿勢,手勢body language 身體語言role 角色,任務interpret 理解politeness 有禮貎clue 線索aware 明智,察覺superior 較上級,較優的



【評論內容】Much of what we say to others is communicated not only through words, but also through body language, including our facial expressions and gestures.



【評論內容】Much of what we say to others is communicated not only through words, but also through body language, including our facial expressions and gestures. It’s important to know what your body is telling others because body language plays an important role in communication. You should also know how to interpret other people’s body language. 我們對別人說的大部分內容不僅是通過言語交流,還通過肢體語言(包括我們的面部表情和手勢)進行交流。 知道你的身體告訴別人甚麼是重要的,因為肢體語言在溝通中起著重要的作用。 你也應該知道如何解釋別人的肢體語言。Here are some typical examples of one’s body language: A...



【評論內容】Much of what we say to others is communicated not only through words, but also through body language, including our facial expressions and gestures. It’s important to know what your body is telling others because body language plays an important role in communication. You should also know how to interpret other people’s body language. Here are some typical examples of one’s body language: A smile is usually a sign of friendliness and interest; however, some people smile out of politeness. So you have to decide if she or he is friendly or not by getting other clues. Also, be aware that when ...