
八、閱讀測驗。(10%)Sam: I talked my parents into getting a new cellphone for me last night, but neither of them liked the idea.Uncle Bob: Why not?Sam: They think I spend too much time on my cellphone, and they don’t think I need a new one.Uncle Bob: They have a point. Your cellphone is fine; you don’t really need a new one.Sam: But I want a smartphone like yours.Uncle Bob: As soon as you get to make money on your own, you can buy anything that you like. Right now just focus on your studies.Sam: All right. I’ll do what I’m told.
【題組】1. What does the sentence “They have a point.” mean?    
(A) Their math is pretty good.    
(B) They are right.    
(C) They have something in common.    
(D) They have the same idea.

