
【題組】39 According to the author, which of the following is the most desirable way to relocate federaleducation funds?
(A) Making all public colleges in the U.S. tuition-free.
(B) Allocating funding according to academic performances of colleges.
(C) Giving education funds to all private colleges.
(D) Allocating most financial supports to community colleges.






【評論內容】When I heard this week that Elizabeth Warren was instead proposing a sweeping debt-relief program, I was disappointed. Her campaign has been full of ideas to reduce poverty and lift middle-class living standards. A big debt-cancellation program is much less progressive than most of her ideas. But as I dug into the details of her new proposal, I discovered that it wasn’t as bad as I had first feared. It is more targeted than her campaign has sometimes made it sound. Her plan is considerably less regressive than universal debt cancellation would be. I still don’t love the idea. Warren would wipe out up to $50,000 in debt for anyone making less than $100,000 a year. It means that a 24-year-old in Silicon Valley making $90,000--and on a path to earn far more--could get a windfall. And people earning up to $250,000--say, a 27-year-old investment banker or corporate lawyer--would get some benefit from the plan. Warren would also make tuition free at every public college, including those with overwhelmingly upper-income students, like the University of Virginia and the University of Michigan. ㄎThis money would do much more good if it instead went to community colleges, which are typically starved of resources.這筆錢如果轉向社群大學,效果會好得多,這些大學通常缺乏資源。