
39. A study published in 2007 from the US National Cancer Institute found that men that took multivitaminswere _______ to die from prostate cancer compared to those who didn’t.
(A) as twice as
(B) as likely as twice
(C) twice likely as
(D) twice as likely






【評論內容】倍數詞 + as + 原級Adj. + as請問為甚麼是D? twice as likely D選項的likely後面並沒有as阿還是不是這個用法



【評論內容】The Daily Mail has recently reported on a research by the University of California's San Diego School of Medicine which found that middle-aged people who don't get enough exposure to sunshine are twice as likely to die.Compared to other road users, the elderly are more than twice as likely to get killed in a serious accident. internationaltransportforum.org. internationaltransportforum.org. Par comparaison aux autres usagers de la route, les personnes âgées ont en général deux fois plus d'occasions d'être tuées dans un accident grave...



【評論內容】倍數詞 + as + 原級Adj. + as請問為甚麼是D? twice as likely D選項的likely後面並沒有as阿還是不是這個用法



【評論內容】The Daily Mail has recently reported on a research by the University of California's San Diego School of Medicine which found that middle-aged people who don't get enough exposure to sunshine are twice as likely to die.Compared to other road users, the elderly are more than twice as likely to get killed in a serious accident. internationaltransportforum.org. internationaltransportforum.org. Par comparaison aux autres usagers de la route, les personnes âgées ont en général deux fois plus d'occasions d'être tuées dans un accident grave...