
Market growth is the rate ------the overall market is growing.
(A)in which
(B)for that
(C)in whether
(D)at which


統計:A(291),B(132),C(46),D(347),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:make up one's mind 下決心


【用戶】Diana Hsu


【評論內容】in which = where, at which,by which, about which, are closely meanings to "that."




【用戶】Smilly He


【評論內容】rate - 速度,速率The car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour .   汽車以每小時六十英里的速度行駛。



【評論內容】grow at 有可观的增长;有不俗的增长率    group trading system 集体贸易制度 | grow at a respectable pace 有可观的增长;有不俗的增长率

【用戶】Smilly He


【評論內容】rate - 速度,速率The car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour .   汽車以每小時六十英里的速度行駛。



【評論內容】grow at 有可观的增长;有不俗的增长率    group trading system 集体贸易制度 | grow at a respectable pace 有可观的增长;有不俗的增长率

【用戶】還再游ㄥ( • ̀ω•́


【評論內容】補充一下,這題應該是考 「at the rate 」這個片語+搭配關係代名詞1.原句拆成兩句:Market growth is the rate.the overall market is growing at the rate.2.「at the rate」-->以什麼樣的比率,介系詞用『at』3.上兩句拼再一起:Market growth is the rate which the overall market is growing at.(這裡的which 為受格=that可省略,主是要講市場成長比率這件事)然後在變化一下,把介系詞「at」提到關代which前面(不可省略),就變成:Market growth is the rate at which the overall market is growing.大概是這樣,如有錯誤請再糾...