
Do you keep a diary? Some people keep a diary to record their life. Others do it to improve their writing skills. Keeping a diary is a great way to express your feelings in words. It reminds you of the good and bad times that you had. It’s fun to read your diary in the future. You’ll remember how colorful your life was. You don’t have to write down every tiny thing every day. You can write down special events and how you feel about the event. A year or two may go by. You’ll find that you may have different thoughts on the same event. That means you already grew up. Isn’t it interesting? Why not start keeping a diary from now on?improve改進 skill技巧 express表達 feelings感覺 remind使回想起 tiny極小的 event事件 thoughts想法
【題組】69. Why does the writer say you should start a diary?
(A) So you can remember what to buy.
(B) So you can write letters to your friends.
(C) So you can color better pictures.
(D) So you can look back at your feelings.

