
(2) According to Aristotle’s theory of ethnics, humans value things for two main reasons. The first is that you do something for the sake of something else. In other words, what you do is just a means, not the final purpose. For example, a young man marries a rich girl he doesn’t love because he’s thinking of getting her money through this marriage. Therefore, the marriage is just a means to him. His purpose is money. In Aristotle’s words, this marriage has “extrinsic” value to the young man. So something which has extrinsic value is just a medium, or a tool, which you use to get something else.     The other reason people value things is that they like them for their own sake. That is, doing that thing, and nothing more, is the purpose. For example, when I sing in the shower, it’s simply because singing makes me feel good. I don’t expect other people’s applause or any monetary reward for my singing. Therefore, singing in the shower has “intrinsic” value to me. That is to say, the value of the activity lies within itself. So something which has intrinsic value is the end itself rather than the means to some other end or goal.     Do all human beings share something that has intrinsic value? According to Aristotle, the answer is “Yes.” This value is happiness. Aristotle said when you have happiness, there is nothing more you want. Therefore, happiness is not a means to anything else, but it is in itself the ultimate goal or purpose. Aristotle reminds us that happiness doesn’t come from something that you get from others. For example, fame can’t bring you true happiness because you have to rely on other people to give you fame. The ancient Greek philosopher concluded that the truest happiness can only come from the exercise of reasonfrom a life of intellectual contemplation.
【題組】50. What is the most appropriate title for this article?
(A) Aristotle’s View of Unhappiness
(B) Two Major Reasons Why Humans Value Things
(C) Why a Man Would Marry a Woman He Doesn’t Love
(D) What We Should Do to Be Happy

