
四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 第一篇:    Bill Gates made a splash in a recent interview when he suggested that robots should be taxed in order to help humanskeep their jobs. Gates is only one of many people in the tech world who have worried about automation and its threat toworkers.    The fear isn’t that all humans will become obsolete, but that automation will increase inequality among humans.Company owners and high-skilled workers—people who tell machines what to do—would be vastly enriched, while everyoneelse either works low-skilled jobs for meager wages or goes on welfare.    Another fear is that even if the mass of humanity ultimately does find new ways to add value by complementing newtechnology, this transition could take a long time and hurt a lot of people.    The main argument against taxing the robots is that it might impede innovation. Growth in rich countries has slowedmarkedly in the past decade, suggesting that it’s getting harder and harder to find new ways of doing things. Stagnatingproductivity, combined with falling business investment, suggests that adoption of new technology is currently too slow ratherthan too fast—the biggest problem right now isn’t too many robots, it’s too few. Taxing new technology, however it’s done,could make that slowdown worse.   The problem with Gates’ basic proposal is that it’s very hard to tell the difference between new technologythat complements humans and new technology that replaces them. This is especially true over the long term. Power loomsreplaced human weavers back in the Industrial Revolution, but people eventually became more productive, by learning tooperate those looms. If taxes had slowed the development of power looms, the eventual improvements would have come later.
【題組】51. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) How modern robots differ from old ones
(B) The need to create a fair taxing system
(C) Whether robots should be taxed
(D) Ways in which automation helps economic development

