
Either my sister or I ______ to go to the mall to do some shopping.




【用戶】Ben Hu


【評論內容】主詞以either A or B或neither A nor B連結時,動詞原則上要和or/nor後面的B(最鄰近的主詞)一致。或謹記以下原則:2.如果A和B都是單數,動詞用單數;如果A和B都是複數,則動詞用複數。若一個部份是單數,一個部份是複數,則動詞的人稱和數採用最靠近動詞的名詞或代名詞。例 Either my brother or I am going to the supermarket.例 Either you or your sister has to clean up the room.例 Neither the car nor the windows are clean.






【評論內容】選D) 應用:  have to 必須...will + go to...所以不能選A



【評論內容】當使用 "either...or..." 或 "neither...nor..." 作為句子的開頭,有一點我們必須注意:"either (subject 1) or (subject2)" 或 "neither (subject 1) nor (subject2)" 隨後的動詞必須與 subject 2 相符。舉例說:不是你去洗碗,就是我去。Either you or I am going to do the washing-up.  (correct)Either you or I are going to do thewashing-up.  (wrong!)不是你弄得這麼亂,就是他。Either you or he is responsible for thismess.  (correct)Either you or he are responsible for thismess.  (wrong!)他和我都不懂西班牙文。Neither he nor I speakSpanish.  她和你都無罪。 Neither she nor you are guilt...

【用戶】Ben Hu


【評論內容】主詞以either A or B或nei☆☆☆☆ ☆ ...



【評論內容】選D) 應用:  have to ★★...☆☆☆☆ + ...



【評論內容】當使用 "either...or..." 或 "neither...nor..." 作為句子的開頭,有一點我們必須注意:"either (subject 1) or (subject2)" 或 "neither (subject 1) nor (subject2)" 隨後的動詞必須與 subject 2 相符。舉例說:不是你去洗碗,就是我去。Either you or I am going to do the washing-up.  (correct)Either you or I are going to do thewashing-up.  (wrong!)不是你弄得這麼亂,就是他。Either you or he is responsible for thismess.  (correct)Either you or he are responsible for thismess.  (wrong!)他和我都不懂西班牙文。Neither he nor I speakSpanish.  她和你都無罪。 Neither she nor you are guilt...



【評論內容】neither ... nor ...  後面能放 WILL 嗎?