
【題組】47. According to the passage, one way in which police officers can prevent crimes from happening is by ______ .
(A) arresting suspicious guys
(B) taking action on potential violations
(C) letting minor offenders go free
(D) refusing to get involved in husband-wife fights
(E) calling for back-ups






【評論內容】原本題目:( B )The public often believes that the main job of a uniformed officer is to enforce laws simply by arresting people. In reality, however, many of the situations that an officer deals with do not call for the use of the power of arrest. In the first place, an officer spends much of his or her time preventing crimes from happening, by spotting potential violations or suspicious behavior and taking action to prevent illegal acts. In the second place, many of the situations in which officers are called on for assistance involve elements like personal disputes, husband-wife quarrels,...



【評論內容】原本題目:( B )The public often believes that the main job of a uniformed officer is to enforce laws simply by arresting people. In reality, however, many of the situations that an officer deals with do not call for the use of the power of arrest. In the first place, an officer spends much of his or her time preventing crimes from happening, by spotting potential violations or suspicious behavior and taking action to prevent illegal acts. In the second place, many of the situations in which officers are called on for assistance involve elements like personal disputes, husband-wife quarrels,...



【評論內容】原本題目:( B )The public often believes that the main job of a uniformed officer is to enforce laws simply by arresting people. In reality, however, many of the situations that an officer deals with do not call for the use of the power of arrest. In the first place, an officer spends much of his or her time preventing crimes from happening, by spotting potential violations or suspicious behavior and taking action to prevent illegal acts. In the second place, many of the situations in which officers are called on for assistance involve elements like personal disputes, husband-wife quarrels,...