
Questions 181~185 refer to the following article and .
How to Become a Digital Nomad 
The digital nomad lifestyle has gained popularity in recent years as more people seek location-independent careers. If you are interested in transitioning to a remote work and travel lifestyle, here are some steps to consider: 
1. Identify your skills and interests: To succeed as a digital nomad, it's important to have a skill set that's in demand and aligns with your interests. Consider what you're good at and what you enjoy doing, and research which careers or industries offer remote work opportunities.2.Build a professional network: Networking is key to finding remote work opportunities and building a successful career as a digital nomad. Join online communities and attend industry events to connect with like-minded professionals and potential clients.3.Develop a strong online presence: Your online presence is crucial to establishing yourself as a credible professional and attracting clients. Create a professional website and social media profiles, and showcase your skills and experience through a portfolio or case studies.4.Establish a financial plan: As a digital nomad, your income may fluctuate, so it's important to establish a financial plan that allows you to live comfortably and save for the future. Consider factors such as your cost of living, income goals, and potential tax implications.5.Prepare for travel: Finally, as a digital nomad, you'll likely be traveling frequently. Research visa requirements and travel restrictions for the countries you plan to visit, and consider factors such as housing, transportation, and insurance. Also, ensure that you have reliable technology and internet access to stay connected with clients and colleagues.
Contact the author of this article: John Nova  @coolhomeoffice.com>@coolhomeoffice.com>

To: John Nova

Subject: Seeking advice on becoming a digital nomad

Dear John,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Emily, and I've been following your blog on remote working for a while now. I'm writing to seek your advice on becoming a digital nomad.

I'm seriously considering transitioning to a location-independent career and lifestyle, but I have a couple of concerns that I hope you can help me address. The two biggest challenges that I'm currently facing are:

Financial stability: While I understand the importance of building an emergency fund and having a solid financial plan, I'm worried about the uncertainty of income as a digital nomad. How can I ensure a steady stream of income while still maintaining the freedom and flexibility that comes with being a digital nomad?

Loneliness and isolation: As an extroverted person, I'm concerned about the potential for loneliness and isolation that comes with a remote work and travel lifestyle. How can I stay connected with others and build a sense of community while constantly on the move?

I'd greatly appreciate your insights and advice on these challenges. Your blog has been a great source of inspiration and information for me, and I value your expertise in this field.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

Emily Lindsay

【題組】181.According to the article, what is the digital nomad lifestyle?
(A) A lifestyle that involves working from home.
(B)A lifestyle that involves traveling while working remotely.
(C)A lifestyle that involves working in an office while traveling.
(D)A lifestyle that involves working while living in a different city.

