
A recent study came to the alarming conclusion that all red meat is bad for youwhich is, any amount, any kind, will increase your risk of dying. The study conducted over 20 years, found that eating just three ounces of meat a day increases your risk of dying by 13 percent^and that number increases to 20 percent if that meat is processed, like hot dogs or bacon. But this isn,t the first time meat-lovers have been warned^from ubiquitous pink slime to lax regulation Here are only a few arguments against being a carnivore.Anyone with high cholesterol knows to stay away from red meat. Swapping out red meat with another protein source such as nuts can lower your risk of heart disease by up to 30 percent. But red meat is also linked to cancer, especially to colorectal cancer, and to diabetes. If you need an image to convince you to stay away from meat, you couldn’ t do better than that of pink slime. According to Gerald Zimstein, a former Department of Agriculture scientist, 70 percent of ground beef sold in supermarkets contain pink slime, a goo made out of waste trimmings previously reserved for dog food and cooking oil.In addition, about 80 percent of the antibiotics sold in the United States go to livestock, which need them to stay alive in cramped and overcrowded industrial farms. To make them grow faster, they’re often given hormones which have been linked to cancer. It’s unclear what effect eating antibiotic-filled meat has on humans,but the federal government is concerned that the widespread use of drugs is breeding antibiotic-resistant superbugs and has slowly begun to restrict them. Well, even though cholesterol and antibiotics are supposed to be in the meat, what about the stuff that isn’t? The United States’ standards for testing meat for pesticides and chemicals are notoriously lax. In 2008, Mexico turned back a shipment of American beef because it didn’t meet the country’s standards for copper traces, and in 2010 the Department of Agriculture,s Inspector General condemned the U.S. for allowing meat containing pesticides, heavy metals, veterinary drugs, and other chemicals to reach supermarket shelves.As we are now having more concerns about our environment, here is a fact to know. Livestock do more damage to the environment than automobiles, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, which called the industry “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems on every scale.” Livestock degrade land, contribute to climate change, pollute water, and destroy biodiversity. Cattle rank up there with automobiles and power plants in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Globally, livestock^mostly cattle—account for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.
【題組】41. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the above passage?
(A)More Reasons to Never Eat Meat
(B) Carnivore vs. Herbivore
(C)Eating Meat to Sustain the Environment
(D) Opposing to the U.S. Beef Import

