
Read the letter. Answer questions 35 and 36.
Hi Christy,
        How do you like your new school? Is it a big school? Do you still play drums in your school band? It’s been three months since your family moved to another town. I really miss you and the fun we had together.
        Last week, our school had a field trip to Leofoo Water Park. I always wanted to visit the water park, so I was very excited about the trip. My favorite ride in the park was the bumper boats. Mary and I bumped into a lot of boats and we got totally wet.It was really fun. I also tried the water slides, but it was so scary that I don’t think I will try it again. Ok, it’s getting late. I will write more next time. Hope you are doing well at your new school. Tell me more about your life there.
Your best friend,

【題組】35. Why does Emma write to Christy?
(A) To tell her about her new town
(B) To get some information(資料;消息) about Emma’s new school
(C) To tell her about the field trip






【評論內容】文章花很大的篇幅敘述Emma的field ☆☆☆☆...