
12. The principal gave a speech to the freshmen, only a few of______ were actually paying attention.
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) that
(D) them






【評論內容】WHO [主要用在問"誰", 而回答多數為人物, 如名字, 職稱等, 多用在subject] 1. (用作疑問代名詞)誰,什麼人 Q: Who has borrowed my pen? -- A: Mary. / The Doctor. / My teacher...etc. 2. (用作限定關係代名詞)...的人 The girl who spoke is my best friend. -- 這裡的who是指The girl. 3. 用作非限定關係代名詞)他;她;他們;她們 I went to the movies with Mary, who I think you once met. -- 這裡的who是指Mary. WHOM [多用在object上, 回答多用第三人稱, i.e. him, her, them等] 1. (用作疑問代名詞) 誰,什麼人 I know who you are and whom you represent. -- 這裡的whom的意思是"I represent him/her" 2. ...



【評論內容】原本題目:12. The principal gave a speech to the freshmen, only a few of were actually paying attention.(A) who (B) whom (C) that (D) them修改成為12. The principal gave a speech to the freshmen, only a few of______ were actually paying attention.(A) who (B) whom (C) that (D) them