
Violent crime such as rape is very sensitive by nature and is thus often not reported to authorities for fear of secondary  ___.
(A) prosecution
(B) forgery
(C) parole
(D) victimization




【用戶】Hsu Baleng


【評論內容】forgery (文件、藝術品等的)偽造[U];parole 有條件釋放, 假釋[U]






【評論內容】Rapen.[U][C]1. 強姦The man who had committed several rapes wasarrested.那個犯了多起強姦案的男人被抓起來了。a rape victim遭強姦者2. 強奪; 洗劫(城市等)Stop raping the countryside.不要糟蹋鄉村。 Prosecutionn.1. 起訴, 告發; 檢舉[U][C]Tony has brought a prosecution againstthem.湯尼已對他們提出起訴。2. 原告及其律師[the S][G]3. 檢察當局[the S]4. 【文】徹底進行; 實行, 執行[U]She has to travel a great deal in theprosecution of her duties.她在履行職責中得作許多旅行。...



【評論內容】Rapen.[U][C]1. 強姦The man who had committed several rapes wasarrested.那個犯了多起強姦案的男人被抓起來了。a rape victim遭強姦者2. 強奪; 洗劫(城市等)Stop raping the countryside.不要糟蹋鄉村。 Prosecutionn.1. 起訴, 告發; 檢舉[U][C]Tony has brought a prosecution againstthem.湯尼已對他們提出起訴。2. 原告及其律師[the S][G]3. 檢察當局[the S]4. 【文】徹底進行; 實行, 執行[U]She has to travel a great deal in theprosecution of her duties.她在履行職責中得作許多旅行。...

【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】Violent crime such as rape is very sensitive by nature and is thus often not reported to authorities for fear of secondary次要  ___. (A) prosecution翻譯:法律, (被)起訴;(被)檢舉;訴訟, 繼續, 把…進行到底,繼續參與(B) forgery翻譯:偽造品,贋品;偽造(罪)。(C) parole翻譯:有條件釋放,假釋。(D) victimization中文:犧牲



【評論內容】secondary victimization 二度傷害



【評論內容】Rapen.[U][C]1. 強姦The man who had committed several rapes wasarrested.那個犯了多起強姦案的男人被抓起來了。a rape victim遭強姦者2. 強奪; 洗劫(城市等)Stop raping the countryside.不要糟蹋鄉村。 Prosecutionn.1. 起訴, 告發; 檢舉[U][C]Tony has brought a prosecution againstthem.湯尼已對他們提出起訴。2. 原告及其律師[the S][G]3. 檢察當局[the S]4. 【文】徹底進行; 實行, 執行[U]She has to travel a great deal in theprosecution of her duties.她在履行職責中得作許多旅行。...



【評論內容】Violent crime such as rape is very sensitive by nature and is thus often not reported to authorities for fear of secondary次要  ___. (A) prosecution翻譯:法律, (被)起訴;(被)檢舉;訴訟, 繼續, 把…進行到底,繼續參與(B) forgery翻譯:偽造品,贋品;偽造(罪)。(C) parole翻譯:有條件釋放,假釋。(D) victimization中文:犧牲



【評論內容】secondary victimization 二度傷害