
四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】第一篇:Forty-four years is a long time to wait for anything, but for Ankie Spitzer it has taken four decades to get theInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) to hold an official memorial for her husband.Andre Spitzer was one of the 11 Israelis killed at the 1972 Games in Munich. In the early hours of 5 September,Palestinian militants from the Black September group clambered over security fences at the Olympic Village, madetheir way to the Israelis' quarters and took a group of them hostage. The militants, who murdered two of the Israeliathletes, demanded the release of more than 200 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. It ended with a botched rescueattempt by German police in which all nine of the remaining hostages, and a policeman, were killed.Many of her memories still seem raw. "Just a few hours after the murder I went into the room of my husbandwhere they were all held hostage. I cannot even describe to you the chaos when I opened the door of the apartment."That was when she pledged to herself and the man to whom she had been married for just 15 months that she wouldmake sure the world knew about what happened. Their daughter, Anouk, was just two months old when she was leftfatherless.After years of struggle and letter-writing, Ankie Spitzer and the other victims' relatives have the consolation ofa memorial ceremony in the athletes' village in Rio, where a memorial stone will be unveiled. It also commemoratesthe two victims of a bin bomb at the 1996 Atlanta Games and Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, who died in anaccident at the 2010 Winter Olympics.Mrs. Spitzer, now 70, remains determined. "We’ll never give up our hope that there will be a moment ofsilence at the opening ceremony," she says. That is because the event is watched by billions of people around theworld, and is thus the perfect showcase for her message of remembering in order to make sure such tragedy neverstrikes again.
【題組】41. Which of the following was NOT done by the Palestinian militants?
(A) They climbed over the security fences at the Rio Olympic Village.
(B)They held a group of Israeli athletes hostage.
(C)They killed 11 Israeli athletes.
(D)They killed a police officer.









【評論內容】在前面數來幾段:In the early hours of 5 September, Palestinian militants from the Black September group clambered over security fences at the Olympic Village(在奧運村的安全圍欄上爬過來),....41. Which of the following was NOT done by the Palestinian militants? (A) They climbed over the security fences at the Rio Olympic Village(里約奧運村). --- 文章沒提到在里約奧運