
【題組】25.(AB) It has seen a noticeable uptick in use of its online programs in which any elderly person who signs up gets a personalized weekly phone call from a volunteer. (AC) Several studies have found that tools like video chats and instant messages may help elderly adults feel less lonely, especially if they’re physically isolated from others and cannot otherwise socialize. (AD) In the current context, digital interaction is just as important for quelling that stress response as physical behaviors like getting enough sleep, exercising, and following a balanced diet. (AE) It can feel like a personal failing to admit you don't have the social network you want, and there’s a tendency for others to blame the victim. (BC) It may be because it's replacing valuable in-person moments; under COVID-19 lockdown, social media may simply serve as a painful reminder of their loved ones’ physical absence. (BD) A group of doctors from Harvard Medical School even warned that physical distancing and stress caused by the pandemic, combined with rising firearm sales, could worsen the suicide crisis the U.S. has been weathering for more than a decade.








