
【題組】50. What does the passage tell us about the government of China?
(A)It is willing to support Mandarin learners in other countries.
(B)It is disappointed that people in the U.S. are not learning Mandarin.
(C)It is surprised at the recent popularity of the Chinese language.
(D)It is afraid of spending too much money on language education.






【評論內容】Some encouragement has come from Beijing, where the Chinese government funds  資金 the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Not only can Chinese products be found in every corner of the world, but this organization is vigorously [ˋvɪgərəslɪ] 強有力地; 劇烈地 promoting Chinese culture and language in every part of the world.



【評論內容】Some encouragement has come from Beijing, where the Chinese government funds the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Not only can Chinese products be found in every corner of the world, but this organization is vigorously promoting Chinese culture and language in every part of the world.有一些鼓勵來自北京,中國政府資助了國家漢語教學辦公室。中國產品不僅可以在世界各個角落找到,而且這個組織在世界各地都大力推廣中國文化和語言。


